Blue field like crop rows and burgundy border, saying "Don't Just Survive - Thrive
Fully Staffed, by Eric Chester, on a wood desk with a pen, keyboard, and mouse surrounding it.

Fully Staffed

by Eric Chester

Full disclosure, I didn’t read this book.

“Is this book for you?

“The current reality is that the labor market is nearly drained. You need many more skilled workers than are available, and you picked up this book because you’re having trouble finding and keeping solid workers in your business and organization.

If the above statement isn’t true, you should consider reading a different book (and do a happy dance followed by a celebratory toast)

Author Chester told me not to!

You see, I don’t have a problem finding staff. I got the book because when I see the news reporting labor shortages and employees complaining about work conditions, I like to get ahead of things.

The thing is – this book LOOKS amazing. It’s got such great outlines, it looks fun to read, it has wisdom in it that I can see flipping through it. But I’m on top of what they’re talking about.

I made this book note to make a record that it’s a good book that can solve problems for you if you can’t find and keep employees.

But I also want to demonstrate that we live in a land of infinite knowledge and entertainment available – and if the author tells you you don’t need to spend time here, don’t. Time is one thing that is finite. Guard it.

So here’s what I did – I asked ChatGPT to give me some actionable bullet points in the book so I don’t have to do it. Your mileage may vary:


  • Develop a clear and compelling employer brand to attract top talent.
  • Implement targeted recruitment strategies to reach the desired candidate pool.
  • Streamline the hiring process to ensure efficient and effective candidate selection.

Employee Engagement:

  • Foster a positive work environment through open communication and a supportive culture.
  • Provide regular opportunities for training and development to help employees grow and enhance their skills.
  • Encourage employee involvement and feedback to create a sense of ownership and engagement.

Recognition and Rewards:

  • Implement a comprehensive recognition program to acknowledge and appreciate employee contributions.
  • Customize rewards to align with individual employee preferences and motivations.
  • Create a culture of celebration by publicly recognizing achievements and milestones.

Leadership and Management:

  • Invest in leadership development programs to cultivate strong and effective leaders.
  • Provide ongoing coaching and support for managers to enhance their skills in leading and motivating teams.
  • Foster transparent and authentic communication between leaders and employees.

Work-Life Balance and Well-being:

  • Promote work-life balance by encouraging flexible work arrangements and prioritizing employee well-being.
  • Provide resources and support for stress management and mental health awareness.
  • Foster a culture of self-care and work-life integration.

Adapting to Generational Shifts:

  • Understand the values, preferences, and motivations of the younger generation entering the workforce.
  • Embrace technology and leverage digital platforms to communicate and engage with employees.
  • Adapt company policies and practices to accommodate the changing needs and expectations of the newer workforce.






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