Blue field like crop rows and burgundy border, saying "Don't Just Survive - Thrive

Life Tips from the Lens of a 44 Year Old Lady

I didn’t write this, but I also am a 44 year old lady currently and this is accurate and I want it findable by others.

One of the comments on the IG thread was “nice privileged advice.” I want to address this – no, people do not have the money to always get the choices below. That said, we live in a prison of our own minds. Use your resources – find community resources. Ask for help. Nobody said you had to have all of this – but pick and choose. Over time, if you pick and choose wisely, the rest can open up.

When it’s talking about “hiring mentors sooner” – this is not hiring a life coach. Don’t do that. Level up your friends, meet people you look up to. Hiring mentors, to me, as a business person, is hiring people smarter than you who have done more, and utilizing resources like the free US-backed Small Business Development Center or SCORE to help you get where you need to go.

Same with the “pay whatever money to be in the room” – no, make yourself so valuable that you are asked to be in the room. You don’t have to pay money to do that. You have to read books and take chances.

Credit: fitfounder

Source: Instagram @ Womenontopp

  1. When you turn 40, you’ll see a divide between those who took care of their bodies & those who didn’t.
  2. Getting 8 hours of sleep and taking walks outside will help you more than any health guru on the planet.
  3. Your parents did the best they could with what they were taught. Sure, they weren’t perfect but neither were you. Appreciate them.
  4. Life’s too short to not live in a place that suits your personality.
  5. Sleep is the best legal performance enhancing drug on the planet. You also sleep for ⅓ of your life. Learn how to sleep well.
  6. “You should be doing X by 30…” Fu*k these lists. The only timing that matters is your own. Honor it.
  7. Food is the most widely abused drug. Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant.
  8. When you’re younger, live in the city for network & opportunities. When you’re older & have a family, live in small towns for peace & tranquility. 
  9. What you measure is what you manage. Want to get better at anything? Track it.
  10. If you hang around someone & feel like your energy was zapped out of your body, take that as a signal to not hang around that person anymore.
  11. Your diet consists of the food you put into your body, the information you take in & the friends you hang around.
  12. Choose your habits & vices wisely. They become harder to break when you get older.
  13. As you level up, your friends will change. Accept this. It is what it is.
  14. At some point, it will be the last time you get to hang with a friend. Cherish them.
  15. If you want better results, find better friends. This doesn’t mean to get rid of close ones. It does mean to level up the people you hang around.
  16. The less you give a fu*k about what other people think, the more peaceful you’ll feel.
  17. Your brain is a piece of software. You update it by reading books, crushing challenges, meditation, learning skills & your network.
  18. Your body is a piece of hardware. You update it through lifting, cardio, nutrition & stretching.
  19. Create a habit of always paying off your credit card. Keeping a balance is the quickest way to get mired in debt.
  20. Live life according to your standards. Not your parents, your friends, or a random person on the internet.
  21. Create a habit of saving at least 10% (or more) of what you earn.
  22. Learn how to invest to turn those dollars into more dollars.
  23. Spend quality time every day away from your phone. A great life is lived outside. Not on a screen.
  24. Learn how to be bored. The ability to do nothing is a superpower in a world of distraction.
  25. Write out a vision for your life. Break the vision down into 3 year goals.
  • Break those down into one year. Break those down into quarterly objectives.
  • Plan out your monthly projects.
  • Break those down into weekly and daily tasks.
  • This is how you make your vision a reality.

The things you want are on the other side of facing your fears.

Train yourself to get the most important task done at the beginning of the day. Eat the frog.

Hire mentors sooner. They will get you from point A to point B faster than buying any book or course.

Pay whatever money it takes to get in better rooms. Invest in the mastermind. Go to conferences. This is how you build out a network while learning.

Self pity & arguing for your excuses are signs of learned helplessness. Avoid at all costs.

If you’re growing, life is supposed to be uncomfortable. Accept this & invite it.

The foods you eat affect your gut. Your gut affects your brain. Want a better brain? Eat better foods.



