Blue field like crop rows and burgundy border, saying "Don't Just Survive - Thrive
The worst ai generated quiz ever, see text

No, AI won’t replace you – unless you’re terrible.

My team thinks doing quizzes will help with training retention, and I thought, hey . . . what if AI could do it for us? Plug in the HR manual and see what it makes?

Garbage. It makes garbage.

What’s not allowed on company property? Pick ONE.
A. Firearms
B. Girl Scout Cookies
C. Illegal drugs
D. Intolerance to diversity

Just one, mind you.

The answer was . . . B. Because we used it as an example of things you can allow.

See, AI is only as good as the data it’s used to train on. And then it’s only as good as the person programming the responses. AND THEN it’s only as good as the person critically evaluating what it develops.

I took one look at this quiz and gave up. Not going to save me any time or money.

AI can be your personal assistant, your coach, and your educator and so much more, but only if you yourself possess the advanced skills to make it that way reliably. It takes training, investment, and energy. It takes deep knowledge of the subject so you know when it’s wrong or when it’s off base. It’s not an experienced human.

What it will do is save you so much time if you are an experienced human.

Here are a couple prompts right out of the block to help you:

  • For Creating Training Modules: “Generate a training module for new employees on company policies, including sections on workplace conduct, safety procedures, and benefits.”
  • For Automating Routine Queries: “Create an FAQ section that automatically answers common questions about gym membership, climbing equipment, and class schedules at The Pad Climbing.”
  • For Analyzing Employee Performance: “Develop a monthly report analyzing the performance of gym staff, focusing on customer interactions, safety adherence, and professional development.”
  • For Customizing Customer Service: “Implement a chatbot that assists customers with booking climbing sessions, recommending classes based on their previous preferences, and providing information about our facilities.”

But a word to the wise: don’t think you can plug and play without some serious legwork – these prompts will tell you what to do, and you can ask it to do it for you, but it will take work.

Understand what you want from the AI, have clear goals, and ensure that the data and algorithms are aligned with those objectives. Missteps here lead to the kind of mess I mentioned earlier.

In the end, AI is not a substitute for human expertise. It’s a tool to amplify it. Work hand-in-hand with this technology, understand its nuances, and it can be a game-changer for your organization.

AI: Friend, not substitute



