Blue field like crop rows and burgundy border, saying "Don't Just Survive - Thrive

12 Greatest Entrepreneurs of Our Time, and What You Can Learn from Them, by John A Byrne from Fortune Magazine


  • “Praise in public when someone does a good job.” – Fred Smith
  • “Say no to focus groups and market research.” – Steve Jobs
  • “Find very smart people and create small teams.” – Bill Gates
  • “Rely on ‘first-level’ managers.” – Fred Smith
  • “Take mini-retreats.” – Jeff Bezos
  • Spare no expense on innovation – Larry Page
  • Challenge the old ways – Howard Schultz
  • Embrace paranoia – Mark Zuckerberg
  • Purpose inspires people – John Mackey
  • Make customers #1 – Herb Kelleher
  • Give people what they want.  – Sam Walton
  • Small gifts can have big impact. – Mauhammad Yunus



