Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Smart Choices, by Hammond, Keeney, Raiffa
Thesis: A book that bridges the gap between how people actually make decisions and what researchers have discovered about how they should make decisions. Specific Things to Remember: Work on the right decision problem – state problems carefully, acknowledging their complexity, and avoid unwarranted assumptions and option-limiting prejudice. Define it: 1 – what is your…
Offbeat Bride by Ariel Meadow Stallings
Thesis: Fight the wedding industry power! Make your wedding your own and don’t succumb to the pressure of traditionalism and oneupmanship. Specific Things to Remember: Part 1 – Otherwise Engaged You’re not alone if you’re a girl and people are pressuring you about engagement and he’s not getting it. People will pressure you about everything,…
Freakonomics, by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
Thesis: By unraveling your life’s secret codes, you can turn your view of the way things work upside down- and discover a totally new way of seeing the world. Specific Things to Remember: Don’t try to look at the forest while standing in the trees. Sometimes “unrelated” factors have the biggest impact. Money hardly matters…
The Bunny Book, by Playboy
Thesis: Be awesome, sexy, and graceful for yourself. Specific Things to Remember: Smiling improves your mood. Fashion Boot cut jeans make you slimmer, low-rise make your butt smaller, good back pockets make your butt look smaller, close together back pockets make your butt look narrower, dark denim is slimming, low pockets make your butt look…
The New Guide to Junior Showmanship, by Connie Vanacore
Preamble: From the back, “Junior Showmanship, part of the foundation of the sport of dogs, builds the skills necessary for success in every stage of life. Junior Showmanship invovles teamwork much like any other sport. An understanding of each ‘player’s’ role, specific skills that are learned and practiced and the support of other ‘team’ members…
Adult Children of Alcoholics, by Janet Geringer Woititz, EdD
Preamble: From the back: “The legacy of growing up in an alcoholic home – or any type of dysfunctional environment – can follow us into adult life with negative consequences on health, work, and love. Rather than continuing to allow our actions and reactions to be governed by an unhealthy childhood, here are answers on…
Don’t Shoot the Dog, by Karen Pryor
Preamble: From the back, “Now Karen Pryor clearly explains the underlying principles of behavioral training and through numerous fascinating examples reveals how this art can be applied to virtually any common situation. And best of all, she tells how to do it without yelling, threats, force, punishment, guilt trips – or shooting the dog. “-…
The Diamond Heart Series, A.H. Almaas
Preamble: These books were recommended to my by a climbing great, John Long. He had a quote in a magazine article that said that if you basically felt worthless without accomplishments, then you needed some help. And I was like, “That sounds like me.” And a friendship was formed. John pointed me to these books…
Got any book recommendations?