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Category: Book Notes

  • The First Twenty Hours

    By Josh Kaufman If our life is good for one thing, it’s the ride. I want to go out being able to do everything I ever dreamed of. Will this book make that happen? 10 Principles of Skill Acquisition 10 Principals for Effective Learning

  • What it Takes

    By Stephen A Schwarzman Honestly, here’s a guy that basically knew he was hot stuff from the start and his parents set him up from the start. He seems to get what he wants and when it doesn’t work out, he learns his lesson instantly and never repeats his mistakes. Wish it were like that…

  • How to Change

    By Katy Milkman – Buy It Getting started: Impulsivity: Procrastination Forgetfulness: Laziness: Confidence: Conformity:

  • No, AI won’t replace you – unless you’re terrible.

    No, AI won’t replace you – unless you’re terrible.

    My team thinks doing quizzes will help with training retention, and I thought, hey . . . what if AI could do it for us? Plug in the HR manual and see what it makes? Garbage. It makes garbage. What’s not allowed on company property? Pick ONE.A. FirearmsB. Girl Scout CookiesC. Illegal drugsD. Intolerance to…

  • Contagious: Why things catch on

    Contagious: Why things catch on

    By Jonah Berger – Buy It I’ve gone viral online before, and I have a pretty trendy business. Let’s see what Berger says about that pathway to success. Six principles of contagious

  • Outlive – By Peter Attia MD

    Outlive – By Peter Attia MD

    I think most everyone knows medicine isn’t fully awesome. The system for sure isn’t, but if you’ve ever fought for a diagnosis, you know there’s a limit to how we train western medicine practitioners. Lots of us rely on alternatives, like ancient Asian medicine and others to supplement western medicine. Attia’s perspective is actually even…

  • Fully Staffed

    Fully Staffed

    by Eric Chester Full disclosure, I didn’t read this book. “Is this book for you? “The current reality is that the labor market is nearly drained. You need many more skilled workers than are available, and you picked up this book because you’re having trouble finding and keeping solid workers in your business and organization.…

  • The Leadership Pill

    The Leadership Pill

    By Ken Blanchard + Marc Muchinick I really detest the “fake story” books that take time and pages and have very little to them, which is why this blog actually exists. This book has some nice wisdom in it for someone looking to understand how to improve as a leader (I read it, thinking to…

  • Challenge the Status Quo: Recommended Leadership Books for Managers Who Want to Drive Change

    Challenge the Status Quo: Recommended Leadership Books for Managers Who Want to Drive Change I have had more than a few present and past employees ask me for recommendations of books (I’m a voracious reader) to make them better at their jobs — and at life — so here is my ever-evolving list of must-reads, by category. ALSO — I use Blinkist…

  • How This CEO Stopped Wasting Time on Low-Impact Projects and Prioritized Ideas for Maximum Impact

    How This CEO Stopped Wasting Time on Low-Impact Projects and Prioritized Ideas for Maximum Impact As our CEO Kristin Tara Horowitz holds the magazine aloft, a mischievous twinkle in their eye suggests that they’re secretly plotting. She’s really just supporting her friend in the article. You know how things come at you and they feel really urgent…