Blue field like crop rows and burgundy border, saying "Don't Just Survive - Thrive

Category: Uncategorized

  • Blessing of a Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel PhD

    Using Jewish Teachings to Raise Self-Reliant Children Main things that Jewish thinkers are crucial to raising children Accept that your children are both unique and ordinary Teach them to honor their parents and respect others – family, friends, teachers, and the community Teach them to be resilient, self-reliant, and courageous Teach them to be grateful…

  • Loving What Is, by Byron Katie

    “The Work” : A few basic principles: Notice when your thoughts argue with reality Stay in your own business (stay in the “I” rather than the “you” or “they”) Meet your thoughts with understand (be kind to yourself) Become aware of your stories that you tell yourself (they’re just stories) Look for the thought behind…

  • Essential Oils: Natural Remedies

    By Althea Press (no author listed) Carrier Oils Almond – great for massage oils, sweet smelling Aloe vera oil – good for burns or wounds Avocado oil – good to hair and skin, heavy texture Grape seed oil – great for massage or general aromatherapy Hazelnut oil – all around aromatherapy use and massage oil…

  • Pricing with Confidence

    By Reed K Holden and Mark R Burton 1. Replace the discounting habit If you talk with customers about price, there is no price that is going to be low enough. Start with value. If asked for a discount, start with “what do you know about us and how confident are you that we can…

  • Enchantment

    By Guy Kawasaki In business and personal interactions, your goal is not merely to get what you want but bring about a voluntary, enduring, and delightful change in other people. When people see how your magic works — manufacturing, brewing, cooking, designing — they develop an interest in what you do, and they are more…

  • Liberated Parents; Liberated Children

    By Adele Farber and Elaine Mazlish How the teachings of famed child psychologist Dr Haim G Ginott helped a group of parents and children find new understanding and fulfillment in family relationships. “The language I use does not evaluate. I avoid expressions which judge a child’s character or ability. I steer clear of words like…

  • Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too

    by Adele Farber & Elaine Mazlish How to Step In so you can Step Out and let the kid grow. Instead of dismissing negative feelings, acknowledge the feelings Don’t react, simply show that you understand what’s causing the negative feelings. (“He said I’m stupid.” “That makes you feel mad.”) Give people in fantasy what they…

  • How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk

    by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish Chapter 1: Helping Children Deal with Their Feelings Listen with full attention Acknowledge their feelings with a word – “Oh…” “Mmm . . .” “I see.” Give their feelings a name. (You are angry!) Give them their wishes in fantasy (I wish I had that right now, too) Chapter…

  • The New Rules of Marketing and PR by David Meerman Scott

    How to use social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly. The New Rules for Marketing Marketing is more than just advertising PR is for more than just a mainstream media audience You are what you publish People want authenticity, not spin People want participation, not propaganda…

  • Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids by Bryan Caplan

    Why Being a Great Parent is Less Work and More Fun Than You Think You count too: a common sense guide to happier parenting Over two thirds of people without kids over 40 regret not having kids 91 percent of parents over 40 say they’d do it again Only do stuff for your kids if…