Blue field like crop rows and burgundy border, saying "Don't Just Survive - Thrive

How to Live 365 Days a Year by John A Schindler

Thesis:  Your life sucks because you stress. Stop.

Stuff to remember:

  • We have two different emotions running through us all the time
    • Foundational – what’s underlying it all, what we know about that’s constantly on our mind
    • Surface – what we fake or when we experience fleeting emotions, these are them
  • Our emotions are responsible for our illness
    • Control of emotions would make us healthy 99% of the time
    • Really smart people have a lot of trouble with this
    • Lack of control is for the following reasons:
      • Our influences don’t teach us how to manage stasis: parents, friends, schools, religious institutions
      • Lack of maturity
        • What is maturity?
          • Responsible independence
          • Giving, rather than receiving, attitude
          • Lack of egotism or competitiveness
          • Above hostile aggressiveness
          • Able to distinguish fact from fancy
          • Flexible and adaptable
  • Gaining control of our emotions
    • Start with a key thought:
      • I am going to keep my thinking and my attitude calm and cheerful – right now!
    • If this goes well, fill your mind with joy
    • If it’s rough:
      • Stay as outwardly calm and cheerful as ever. Use humor.
      • Don’t run the situation through your mind. Don’t pity yourself.
      • Lay plans to turn defeat into victory.
      • Keep these values in mind:
        • Equanimity (“stay calm”)
        • Resignation (gracefully)
        • Courage
        • Determination
        • Cheerfulness
        • Pleasantness
  • How do you make your life richer?
    • Keep life simple – don’t rely on unusual to please you
    • Avoid looking for something wrong and accept life’s general aches and pains
      • If you are looking, you’ll find it – and then you’ll complain and that makes life suck for you and everyone around you
      • You’ll get symptoms from bad emotions
      • Many of our likes and dislikes were gained by people telling us what they are, so don’t. Find out for yourself.
    • Have a good hobby. 
      • Fill that spare time
    • Learn to be satisfied
      • Moreover, get used to stuff or look for a reason to like it
      • People complaining about the weather suck. Don’t do that.
      • It’s not hard to feel good.
      • Trouble is where you make it.
      • Don’t want what you can’t have.
    • Like people and join the human enterprise.
      • Some people dislike everybody. Those people suck. They’re also childish.
    • Get in the habit of saying the cheerful, pleasant thing.
      • There’s rarely a moment in your lifetime that wouldn’t be better served by a cheerful comment than a barb.
      • Get up on the right side of the bed. Every day is a new, and awesome, day.
      • Be pleasant to your family.
    • Meet adversity by turning defeat into victory
    • Meet your problems with decision
      • Admit and allow mistakes rather than mulling it over
      • Decide what you are going to do, and then quit thinking about it
      • Some decisions can’t be made: and there is no solution to that other than to QUIT THINKING ABOUT IT
    • Make the present moment an emotional success
      • Keep your attitude as pleasant and cheerful as possible – right now.
      • The present moment is the only moment we EVER have to be happy.
      • Plan for the future but don’t brood on it
    • Always be planning something
      • The expectations of new experiences are so important.
    • Don’t let irritating things get your goat
      • Nothing ever NEEDS to get under your skin (again, learn to just be satisfied with what is)
  • Haven’t mastered this stuff? The best part of being human is that you can learn!
  • Family is our number one cause of disease
    • Why?
      • A kill-joy atmosphere in the family
      • A critical atmosphere in the family
      • Cold war in the home
      • Critical influences from outside the home
      • Atmosphere of dislike
      • Selfish egotism
      • Complaining atmosphere
      • Atmosphere of fear and anxiety
      • Atmosphere of in-law domination
    • Family atmosphere that promotes maturity and emotional stasis
      • Emphasize simplicity in living and simplicity in enjoyment
      • Get the idea of the family enterprise 
        • it is an enterprise in order to produce joy for everyone in it, and it’s everyone’s responsibility to see that happen
      • Attach the family to human enterprise
        • enterprise in the family brings a kindness, a sympathy, and an understanding for other people which you cannot live happily without
      • Develop a family attitude of defeat into victory
      • Without affection, family is a failure
      • The general tone should be kindly cheerfulness
      • Discipline should be reasonable, firm yet pleasant
      • Family should instill confidence into its members
      • Mutual enjoyment in the family – right now.
  • Old? How to accept it
    • Cooperate with the inevitable and accept change gracefully
    • Whenever an old friend departs, seek a new one. Do not lead a lonely life.
    • Try to be flexible and adaptable in your thinking; don’t vilify youth and avoid prejudice
    • Dress neatly and retain clean, good manners
    • Don’t dawdle; pursue interests as if they mean business
    • Don’t gripe – stay cheerful
    • Never let yourself know how tired you are
    • Don’t fear death – everyone who came before you stood it
  • Not old?
    • Develop emotional stasis now
    • Plan future finances
    • Plan a place to live in your advanced years
    • Expand your interests
    • Start making people see the problems of the aged before it happens to you
  • Six basic needs in order of importance
    • Love
    • Security
    • Creative expression
    • Need for recognition
    • New experiences
    • Self Esteem
    • What to do about this if you lack
      • Give love
      • Run emotionally healthy flags up the masthead
      • Get creative – let nothing hold you back
      • Give recognition – it will come back
      • Plan something all the time
      • You are as good as anyone else



