Blue field like crop rows and burgundy border, saying "Don't Just Survive - Thrive

The New Rules of Marketing and PR by David Meerman Scott

How to use social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly.

The New Rules for Marketing

  • Marketing is more than just advertising
  • PR is for more than just a mainstream media audience
  • You are what you publish
  • People want authenticity, not spin
  • People want participation, not propaganda
  • Instead of causing one-way interruption, marketing is about delivering content at just the precise moment your audience needs it
  • Marketers must shift their thinking from mainstream marketing to the masses to a strategy of reaching vast numbers of underserved audiences via the web
Reaching Your Buyers Directly
  • Let the world know about your expertise
  • Develop info your buyers want to consume
  • Buyer personas: the basics – break them into five distinct groups to create appropriate content
  • Tell your organization’s story directly
Social Media and Your Targeted Audience
  • Your best customers participate in online forums and so should you
    • Moderate them
    • Actively post/participate
  • Manage Wikis and Listservs that mention your band
    • Create your own so people can add content
  • To easily monitor what millions of people are saying about you, the market you sell into, and your organization and products
  • To participate in those conversations by commenting on others’ blogs
  • To work with bloggers who write about your industry, company, or products
  • To begin to shape those conversations by creating and writing your own blog
  • Let employees blog
Audio and Video Drive Action
  • Have fun with your videos
  • Podcast
New Rules of News Releases
  • Don’t just send releases when big news is happening; find good reason to send them all the time
  • Create news releases that appeal to your buyers
  • Write news releases with keyword rich language
  • Include offers that compel readers to respond
  • Place links in releases to deliver customers to landing pages
  • Link to related content on your site such as videos, blogs, or ebooks
  • Optimize news release delivery for searching and browsing
  • Add social media tags
  • Drive people into the sales process with news releases
Going Viral
  • Just create something valuable that people want to share, and make it easy for them to do so
    • Nobody cares about your products (except you)
    • No coercion required
    • Lose control
    • Put down roots (you need to be involved in the communities you want to spread within)
    • Create triggers to encourage people to share
    • Point the world to your doorstep
Content-Rich Website
  • Tweet thoughts to your market while they are watching
  • Comment on regulatory changes in your industry
  • React to another company’s announcement in news releases
Making this all come together
  • Identify your goals
  • Identify your buyer personas and their relationship to the organization
    • Interview representatives about their needs and wants
  • Measure: 
    • How many people are eager to participate in your online efforts
    • How many people are downloading your stuff
    • How often bloggers write about you and your ideas
    • And what they are saying
    • Where are you in appearing in search reports for important phrases
    • How many people are engaging with you and choosing to speak to you about your offerings
    • Where are you appearing in search results for common phrases
    • How are sales looking
  • Develop thought leadership content
    • White papers
    • Ebooks
    • Email newsletters
    • Webinars
    • Wikis
    • Research and survey reports
    • Photos, images, infographics
    • Blogs
    • AV
  • How to do this:
    • Don’t write about your company and products. Solve buyer problems
    • Define organizational goals first
    • Based on goals, decide whether content comes free or needs registration
    • Think like a publisher by understanding your audience
    • Write for your audience
    • Choose a great title that grabs attention
    • Promote the effort like crazy
    • Drive viral marketing effects
    • Measure results
  • Make a buyer-centric website
    • Develop a site personality
    • Interactive content
    • Feedback loops
    • Allow customers to interact with one another
    • Make sure your site is current
    • Include social media share buttons
  • Making News Releases work
    • Nontargeted, broadcast pitches are spam
    • News releases sent to reporters in subject areas they do not cover are spam
    • Reporters who don’t know you yet are looking for you
    • If you blog, reporters who cover the space will find you
    • Pitch bloggers
    • Personal relationships with reporters are important
    • Tell how you solve customer problems
    • Follow journalists on Twitter to see what interests them
    • Does the reporter have a blog? Read it.
    • Be familiar with the org you’re pitching to
  • Getting the help you need
    • Ask your potential agency for its social media presence – blogs, Twitter, videos, websites – if an agency can’t blog or tweet about itself, it can’t for you




