Blue field like crop rows and burgundy border, saying "Don't Just Survive - Thrive

Category: Book Notes

  • Should you declare your pronouns?

    Should you declare your pronouns? Child’s hands painted with a colorful rainbow. It is becoming common practice in certain circles to put your pronouns (she/he/they/zey, etc) in emails and social media bios as well as have meetings start with, “Hi, my name is Kristin and my pronouns are . . .” But why do it? It normalizes discussion about…

  • Achieving Nirvana — and how I wish it for everyone else

    Achieving Nirvana — and how I wish it for everyone else Photo by Marc Wieland on Unsplash — For me, Nirvana is dark and tumultuous Okay, I’m not a Buddhist monk. I’m not even Buddhist. I’m Jewish, in fact. And I was raised Catholic, and I explored Sufism for a time and . . . I was a wisdom tradition seeker. Being a…

  • What 2021 taught me about going viral

    What 2021 taught me about going viral And why it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I got a lot of exposure three times in 2021. One was intentional, one I wish never happened, and one was due to hard work and hardship. As a professional marketer for work, once a journalist locally and internationally, and…

  • What Are You Hungry For?

     by Deepak Chopra, MD Understand the mind-body connection: Aware of your body: experience what your body is experiencing Aware of your emotions: put attention on your heart, center, and observe Aware of your choices: find a calm time and examine how you make decisions Nourish every level of you: Nourish with “light” Lighthearted, light-handed, enlightened,…

  • Hack your life with these credit cards and tools

    Hack your life with these credit cards and tools I’ve been using them for decades. They work. If there’s one thing my family raised me to do, it’s to play the game. I’ve become ridiculously good at finding simple deals and maximizing them and I love sharing this information. Below you’ll find all the best systems and…

  • Influence by Robert Cialdini

     Stereotyping means that people follow authority, especially if it isn’t super important to them. The most hard or expensive before the easier or cheaper. Gifts = more likelihood of getting something done, and if it matches the need, even more so.  Ask for something big, then ask for something small and your more likely to…

  • The Effective HIring Manager by Mark Horstman

     1. The first principal of effective hiring is DON’T HIRE It saves in budget. It asks existing staff to prioritize 1 hour today or tomorrow List of everything or nearly everything you’re working on Look at calendar, piles, anything – wait a week for a time diary of everything you do in a week Then…

  • The Irresistable Offer by Mark Joyner

     The Irresistable Offer is three things: High ROI offer Touchstone Believeability High ROI: – A purchase is an investment. Make the investment worth it to the purchaser. Change their life or solve a problem that’s driving them crazy.  Touchstone:  – Statement that says, “Here’s what we’re selling, how much it will cost, what’s in it…

  • Kami Orange – Boundary Lessons Start by reframing who you are – I am a boundary supreme (or queen/king)! Frame your identity: I am . . .  own and claim who you are. How would your life be different by these claims? Conflict: If you can avoid conflict without consequence, do that. If you cannot, use your words. If…

  • Master Class: Anna Wintour

    Anna Wintour Teaches Creativity and Leadership Background: – She grew up around it but also just did everything because no one could afford to have special people. She watched her dad work formulatically and she didn’t like that. She grew up in the 60s that allowed her to feel cultural revolution where class barriers broke…